Thursday, September 24, 2009

Still Life of Onions with Knife

Still Life of Onions with Knife
oil on canvas panel
6" x 6"

I love the sense of accomplishment you get when a painting is done. I finished this one last night and I have to say that I am really pleased with how it turned out. I think it is my favorite so far.


Anonymous said...

David, i love the gradual move from light to shadow in this painting; the bend of the napkin; the soft sheen of light on the knife... it is absolutely stunning piece. r.

Paul Coventry-Brown said...

David, it's great and the best yet. You seem to be hitting your stride very quickly and this is quality work :-)
Try some Venetian turpentine with the stand oil and turps, it helps the colours blend in and gives a lovely enamel like sheen (like a Vermeer).
But, like you, I mostly use Liquin these days becasue of the speedy drying time, I may try the Megilp though - always looking for new stuff ;-)

Kelly said...

This picture is just amazing! I love it!!!


T Karpa said...

What I like most about your paintings is that I can see the texture of the canvas, meaning that there ins't a large layer of paint. You seem to get the effect you want with the least. Superb!

David Parker said...

Thanks for the kind words everyone.

Alvin Richard said...

You have an amazing talent. It has the quality of a master trompe oeil painter. Thanks for visiting and introducing yourself. I have put your link on my blog.

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